{ I Am Back!! / A New Adventure }

Hello everyone!! I am back!! I am so sorry that I disappeared for such a long period of time without letting you all know. Life got very busy for me and I did not have any time to blog. In fact, I didn't really have any time just to take photos. Which makes me sad because photography is my passion! But, if I said I didn't take any photography at all, well, then I would be lying. You can't keep me away from my camera that easily! ;)

I am super happy to be back again!! I love you guys and your comments and encouragement. You all help keep me going!

All righty, so from the tittle of this post you can probably tell that I will be started  a new adventure. And ya'll are probably like, girl tell us?!? Well, if that's what you guys want then I will tell you.

This year I am going to my local public High School. I am no longer a home schooler. I am a public schooler, that sounds weird! ;P I am through the independent study so I am at the school only from 10 to 3:15  and then I do my other classes at home. So far I like it and it has been a great experience!

I hope you all are having an amazing day! Be looking forward to new posts!


  1. Yay! You're back!

    Wow, that's so cool! I kinda wish I could go to public school.. :)

    1. Yeah, I am super glad to be back!!

      Haha, yeah it's cool! I do miss homeschooling though....

  2. So glad you're back!! Welcome to the public school squad ;)

    1. Thank you Simi, I'm glad to be back! :) Haha, thanks!
      How have you been? I have missed talking to you! We need to chat sometime!! :)

  3. Hey Shelby! I'm so glad that you're back!!!

    I haven't had much time for photography either, isn't it horrible?!

    With love and all joy,
    Allie D.

  4. I am so glad that you are back!!!!!!! Oh I have a blog of my own now!!!!

    1. Thank you so much Ray!! I am glad to be back too!!! :) Your blog is awesome and I actually followed it awhile back!! Keep up the great work girl!!!

  5. Wow! Thats so exciting for you! I've been super busy as well, and I totally understand about not blogging!:) Sometimes we just need a break to catch up. Its good to see you back though!<3<3

    1. Thank you Clara! Yes it is very excited!! :)

  6. I'm so glad your back!!! I bet you'll love public school. I have some cousins that were homeschooled but went to public and they loved it :)

  7. Yay! SO happy that you're back!


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