Blog Button

Hello everybody! So, my friend Maddy, over at Maddy's Digital Diaries, made me this awesome button! Thank you so much Maddy!! You should go check out her blog. She has an awesome blog, and she is such a sweet person and an amazing friend! :) If you would like to grab my button pleae feel free to! Also, I would like to annoucne that Maddy is going to be making and selling blog buttons for 5$. For more information you can contact her over at her blog. Hope you all have a lovely day! :)


  1. Thank you so much Shelby for saying those sweet things about me! Your blog is also awesome and your an amazing friend! I was very happy to make the button for you!

    1. You are very welcome! :) Thank you so much Maddy, and yes I love the button! You did a great job. :)

  2. I love it! I'm trying to follow, but it won't let me :(

    1. Hey Ellie! I'm really sorry about that. I tested it out, and it wasn't working for me either. But, I found another way to follow. Just wondering, are you clicking Join this site? Beacuse when I click it it says WebPage can not be found. So, just click the little two square things that are on each other on the right hand corner right across from from the join this site button. Click on that, and all of the other followers will pop up. On the right nad corner of that there will be a follow buton, click that and I think you now the rest!!
      I'm really sorry that it wasn't working! I hope this works. :)
      Wow! This is the longest comment that I have ever done. ;)


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